Business at Beckfoot Thornton

In business, we want students to know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business on individuals and wider society.

We want students to be able to apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of businesses in local, national and global contexts.

We want to create students who can develop as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds. Also to develop as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen, and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems.


Students will receive a range of opportunities to enrich their subject knowledge outside of the classroom, these include:

  • Links with local and national businesses
  • Links with entrepreneurs to discuss their ideas and experiences


GCSE Business – two exams at the end of Year 11 that covers all the content learnt over the two years. One exam is two hours with the other 1 hour 30 mins.

Vocational Business – Three units completed, two of which are coursework units with one exam unit.

KS4 Specification


Both our businesses qualification are a strong pathway to further study at level 3 so whatever direction you take after school, both courses will equip you with valuable skills. Both qualifications in Business provide a route to employment into the many diverse areas of business.

These could include roles in specialist areas such as management, marketing, finance, customer service, visual merchandising or human resources in large organisations and a more generic role in a small local business.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 10

GCSE Business: students will learn the first unit of the course. This includes an introduction to different types of businesses, entrepreneurs and business aims

Vocational business: Introduction to customer service, includes different types of customers and retail businesses

GCSE Business: Students will learn the second unit of the course – recruitment and selection training methods and motivation

Vocational Business: Complete the theory of the unit before completing the controlled assessment

GCSE Business: Topics include the marketing mix (4ps), market research and an introduction to finance, including the different types of costs and completing cash flow forecasts

Vocational Business: Visual merchandising, theory on types of visual merchandising as well as designing displays linked to a case study

Year 11

GCSE Business: Students will complete the finance unit, profit and loss accounts ARR, and production methods and quality

Vocational Business: Students will begin learning the theory before they start their controlled assessment

GCSE Business: Students will finish their last unit, topics will include the sales process and supply chain before looking at influence on businesses – technology, laws and the environment

Vocational Business: Students will complete their controlled assessment before starting the exam unit which starts with content including types of businesses and different types of retailers before moving to content about the retail business environment eg changes to the law and economic factors that affect retail spending

Both qualifications will complete any remaining content and complete focused revision and exam practice including interpreting case studies and data to improve application and analysis skills