Welcome to Year 11
Year 11 marks the final year of our students journey with us at Beckfoot Thornton, as they embark on their GCSE exams and make important decisions about their future.
Students will ensure they are fully prepared for the exams as we support them with revision, and ensure they’re equipped with strategies to deal with what can often be a stressful period in their lives.
We will also ensure students are prepared to begin the process of considering their next destinations – whether they choose to whether they choose to attend at a Beckfoot Trust Sixth Form, go to college, or enter an apprenticeship or employment.
GCSEs and Support
To allow your child to reach their full potential in their exams in May, they should have a comfortable and quiet workspace at home, where they know you can support them if they need it.
It is helpful to prioritise school work in your home, this could be done by agreeing a regular time to do it. However, you should also empower them and encourage them to keep up their good work, praising them will only strengthen their resilience and effort
Results day 2025
GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 21st August.
Your Team
Our team will be here to support our new Year 11s through their exams and their final year at Beckfoot Thornton.
- Mrs K Hull – Head of Year 11
- Mrs S Trusselle- Headteacher
- Mr P Dolan- Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mrs T Holden – SENDCO
Wider Opportunities
Careers – Year 11 students will engage in a variety of activities that will ensure students understand their Post 16 and higher education options, as well as understanding the world of work.
Past trips and visits have included museums, sporting activities, outdoor adventure activities, visits to the theatre and musical events.
Our wide extracurricular offer also provides students with the opportunity to expand their skills and knowledge outside the classroom.
Year 11
Subject | Cycle 1 | Cycle 2 | Cycle 3 |
Art | Inside outside – Independent choices within theme, artist research, all media | Exam – externally set assignment | Exam – externally set assignment |
ASDAN | World of work Science and technology | Expressive arts Beliefs and values | Paperwork/sorting portfolio and page numbering |
Science | Trilogy: B10 nervous system, B11 hormonal control, B8 rates of reaction, C8 equilibrium and le chatelier, C9 crude oil and fuels, P9 forces and motions, P11 wave properties Triple: B12 homeostasis in action, B13 reproduction, C10 organic compounds and reactions, C11 polymers, C12 chemical analysis and techniques, P12 wave properties, P10 Newtons laws, P10 forces and braking, P11 pressure | Trilogy: B12 reproduction, B13 variation and evolution, B14 genetics and inheritance, C12 Earth’s resources, C10 chemical analysis, C11 Earth’s atmosphere, P10 Newton’s law, P12 electromagnetic waves, P13 Electromagnetism Triple: B15 genetics and inheritance, B17 organising an ecosystem, B18 food security, C13 Earth’s atmosphere, C14 Earth’s resources, C15 using Earth’s resources, P13 electromagnetic waves, P15 electromagnetism, P14 light and sound, P16 space | Trilogy: B16 organising and ecosystem – Revision and preparation for exams Triple: Revision and preparation for exams |
Computing | GCSE Computer Science: 1.6 ethical, legal, cultural and impacts, 2.3 producing robust programs, 2.2 programming fundamentals Vocational IT: 1.1 how IT can be used to fulfil the needs of organisations and individuals, 1.2 how data and information is used and transferred | GCSE Computer Science: 2.4 Boolean logic, 2.5 programming languages and IDEs Vocational IT: 1.3 legal, moral, ethical, cultural and environmental impacts of IT and the need for cybersecurity | GCSE Computer Science: Exam preparation Vocational IT Preparation for exam |
English | An Inspector Calls, J.B. Priestley: a study of the play and genre in preparation for the GCSE English Literature exam | GCSE exam preparation | GCSE exam preparation and exams |
French | Holidays: Talk about French holiday destinations, describe your holiday in 3 tenses, including where you go, how you get there, and what you do on holiday Environment: Discuss environmental issues in our community and across the world. Explain what you do to help the environment. | Jobs and future plans: discuss the careers that interest you and explain why, and any other future plans you have Revision – preparation for exams | Revision – preparation for exams |
German | Holidays: Talk about German holiday destinations. Describe your holiday in 3 tenses, including where you go, how you get there and what you do on holiday Environment: Discuss environmental issues in our community and across the world. Explain what you do to help the environment | Jobs and future plans: Discuss the careers that interest you and explain why. Describe any other future plans that you have Revision – Revise and prepare for GCSE German | Revision – Revise and prepare for GCSE German |
Business | GCSE Business: Students will complete the finance unit, profit and loss accounts ARR, and production methods and quality Vocational Business: Students will begin learning the theory before they start their controlled assessment | GCSE Business: Students will finish their last unit, topics will include the sales process and supply chain before looking at influence on businesses – technology, laws and the environment Vocational Business: Students will complete their controlled assessment before starting the exam unit which starts with content including types of businesses and different types of retailers before moving to content about the retail business environment eg changes to the law and economic factors that affect retail spending | Both qualifications will complete any remaining content and complete focused revision and exam practice including interpreting case studies and data to improve application and analysis skills |
Geography | Coastal environments: Explore the coastal landscape and how coastal erosion is having a negative impact on our coastlines Fieldwork component: Investigate whether Hornsea’s sea defenses are effective as well as the discussing if Hornsea as facilities for tourists | Economic world: investigate why the World is socially and economically uneven. Explore how Nigeria is becoming a Newly Emerging Econom Explore how the UK has developed socially and economically. Investigate strategies used to reduce the north-south divide and the UK’s position in the wider World Resource management: how can the resources we have been managed sustainably for the 8 billion people living on the planet.
| Pre-release: investigate a topic on a current issue which will be examined on in paper 3 alongside the fieldwork component |
History | Weimar and Nazi Germany: Pupils look at the monumental changes that occurred in Germany between 1918-1939 and how it became one of the most democratic countries in history to the fascist dictatorship of Adolf Hitler | American West: The expansion of the United States across America look at how it went form 13 states to taking over the entire country as we know it today, students will look at what caused this to happen and the impact it had on the indigenous people of America | Exam revision and preparation |
PE | Contemporary issues in sport – exam: Issues which affect participation in sport , the role of sport in promoting values | Contemporary issues in sport – exam: The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country, the role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport, the use of technology in sport | FINAL REVISION AND PREPARATION FOR EXAMS |
REW | Topic covers relationships and family | Continue with relationships and family and start religion, peace and conflict | Complete religion, peace and conflict topic Revision and exams |
Maths | Indices, quadratic functions, statistical diagrams and interpreting data, angles, volume, averages and spread | Vectors, congruence, similarity, understanding graphs and functions, processes, properties and constructions | Revision and exam preparation |
Music | Understanding Music: Revising areas of study and learning section B study pieces continuously answering appraisal questions. 1 hour and 30 minute exam in June of year 11 | Performing Music: Assessed Performances in solo and ensemble (30% of overall GCSE | Composing Music: Assessed Compositions in brief and free (30% of overall GCSE) |
Technology | AQA 8552 Design Technology specification. Producing a portfolio using one of the given contextual challenges. Identifying and investigating a variety of sources to enable design ideas to be produced | Generation of ideas matched against the specification to focus design thinking and highlight areas for further development. This will include many iterations, modelling and prototyping | Design realisation. Production of final product/prototype using a variety of tools, equipment which will include CAD/CAM. Testing and evaluation of the product and the project as a whole. Preparation for examination |
Food | Hospitality and catering provisions | Hospitality and catering: Students explore how providers operate operations in Hospitality , Catering and Health and Safety | Hospitality and catering – Food safety and exam prep/revision |
Health and Social | Safeguarding and infection prevention | Safety procedures and measures How security measures protect service users and staff, Working on set assignment Task. Revision and exam practice | Exam revision and preparation. Submit NEA Unit 2 controlled assessment completion |
Engineering | Unit 1 Controlled Assessment will take up most of the Autumn Term | Unit 2 Controlled Assessment will be run in Jan/Feb | Unit 3 Exam will take place in June |