Enrichment and Extra Curricular

As part of our offer to students and families, we offer a range of enrichment and extracurricular opportunities. Our offer helps students to develop independence, high self-esteem and effective communication skills, while allowing them to enjoy school.

Our after school clubs

At Beckfoot Thornton, we are very proud of our after school offer. We offer a range of sports and activities after school including football (girls and boys), rugby (girls and boys), netball, badminton, cricket, rounders and dance.

Our extracurricular activities provide students with the opportunity to represent their school in fixtures, competitions and performances, while they enhance their skills and enjoy the benefits of physical and fun activity. Students will also have the opportunity to celebrate their successes and achievements at the end of the year at our annual Sports Awards event.

School trips and visits

School trips and workshops help to provide context to students learning, increase their engagement and make information more memorable. They can help to build trust, resilience and friendship.

Students will engage in a variety of trips such as York University Powering Transformations Day, Commando Mindset Workshops, Circus Skills Workshops, trips to the theatre, visits to Universities, RISE Workshops and the JEEP Project.

We also take part in charitable events throughout the year to encourage students become committed community contributors. This includes the Poppy Appeal, food bank collections and bake sales for other charities/local causes.

To learn more about the trips your child will do in their year group, please view their year group page here.