We are delighted to invite you to the Year 7 Parents Evening on Thursday 3rd April 2025 from 4pm-7pm. This will be an opportunity for you to meet with your child's teachers about their progress this year. You will also be able to meet with the year team to discuss their start to the year more generally. Please visit https://beckfootthornton.schoolcloud.co.uk/ to book your appointment slot.
Beckfoot Thornton Secondary School,
Leaventhorpe Lane, Bradford, Thornton, West Yorkshire BD13 3BH
Telephone: 01274 881082
Email: [email protected]O
The school Headteacher is Mrs Trusselle, and our school SENCO is Mrs T Holden
If you wish to make a a complaint you can find more information here.
Complaints coordinator: Sarah Clayton
Beckfoot Thornton is part of Beckfoot Trust
Wagon Lane,
West Yorkshire,
BD16 1EE
Tel: 01274 771444
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.beckfoottrust.org/