Engineering at Beckfoot Thornton

Students develop engineering knowledge and skills in both theory and practical learning environments.

The course focuses on the following areas: Development of key engineering practical and technical skills, key engineering knowledge about understanding the effects of engineering achievements, understanding properties of engineering materials, understanding methods of preparation, forming, joining and finishing of engineering.

Redesigning a product to a specific brief, which will include understanding function and meeting requirements, proposing design solutions, communicating an engineered design solution. Problem solving and the use of maths in engineering including Ohm’s law, area and volume and mechanical advantage.


We are currently evaluating our enrichment opportunities with the intention of developing a new programme of offering students workshops both in school and out of school on location visits.


This course is built up of three units. with three objectives across each one. Unit one is worth 40% of the qualification and unit two is worth 20% of the qualification. These are coursework controlled assessments. Unit 3 Is an externally set examination worth 40% of the qualification.


This course provides a good foundation for students wanting to apply for engineering apprenticeships or find employment in the engineering / manufacturing sector. It also allows for progression in further education with courses such as Level 3 Engineering qualifications which can be used to gain access to either universities or higher level apprenticeships.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 10

Introduction to key skills and concepts in Engineering

Practice controlled assessment

Maths in engineering

Year 11

Unit 1 Controlled Assessment will take up most of the Autumn Term

Unit 2 Controlled Assessment will be run in Jan/Feb

Unit 3 Exam will take place in June