Food at Beckfoot Thornton

At Beckfoot Thornton, students develop their understanding and apply the principles of nutrition and health.

Students cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet. Students will become competent in a range of cooking techniques, for example, selecting and preparing ingredients, using utensils and electrical equipment, applying heat in different ways, using awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients and adapting and using their own recipes.

Students will learn to understand the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients.


We are currently evaluating our enrichment opportunities with the intention of developing a new programme of offering students workshops both in school and out of school on location visits.


Years 7- 9 have an internal summative assessment. Year 10 H and C x 2 unit one external exam and unit 2 coursework which is internally – Unit 2 completed in year 10 and unit one completed in year 11.

KS4 Specification


This course can lead to further study in either Food or Nutrition. Employment in hospitality and catering can range from waiting staff, receptionists and catering assistants, to chefs, hotel and bar managers, and food technologists in food manufacturing.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Ready to cook: Students explore making fruit salad, pizza toast, pasta salad, and apple rock buns

Lunch bunch: Students learn how to make salad in a jar, upside down pineapple cake, quiche and melting moments

Students will cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet

Year 8

Cooking methods, exploring how to make bread, roux sauce and vegetable curry, potato wedges and banana buns

Food provenance: Students learn how to make Jamaican rice, Moroccan chicken, tuna melt, chilli con carni – they will also select one and remake it to further develop their skills

Relationships: Students develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of relationships

Year 9

Culture: Students explore making a variety of cultural dishes such as burgers, chicken fajita’s. pasta sauce and Risotto

Relationships and Sex Education; Students develop their knowledge , understanding and skills of a wide range of elements surrounding RSE

Beckfoot bake off and dietary needs –Students make a variety of desert such as Scones, cookies, swiss roll and brownies and learn to identify and adapt to the dietary needs of children and babies

Year 10

Hospitality and catering: Importance of nutrition and menu planning

Hospitality and catering – Skills and techniques with course work and evaluating cooking skills

Hospitality and catering – Intro to Hospitality and Catering industry

Year 11

Hospitality and catering provisions

Hospitality and catering: Students explore how providers operate operations in Hospitality , Catering and Health and Safety

Hospitality and catering – Food safety and exam prep/revision