Becoming future ready learners
At Beckfoot Thornton, we are committed to providing a programme of careers and information guidance to our students, so that they can think about, plan, reflect and refine their decision about their post 16 and post 18 options. We aim to establish strong links with the wider community, including industry experts, businesses, parents, Thornton alumni and charities in order to prepare students for life beyond leaving school. Our careers education programme is designed to meet the needs of all learners, with personalised activities designed to ensure progression in their career learning and development, to strengthen their motivation, aspirations, and attainment, and to excite them about their futures.
Our careers team
All staff at Beckfoot Thornton are responsible for ensuring that students understand the meanings of different pathways and for teaching staff, how their subject specialism can link into these pathways to support students’ choices.
- Aimee Bulmer, CEIAG Coordinator – [email protected]
- Kiran Hussain, Careers Advisor (SkillsHouse Careers & Technical Education) – [email protected]
- Donna Gautry, SLT Link for CEIAG – [email protected]
- Rosie Beavers, Transition and Enrichment Lead – [email protected]

Our Careers Programme
Our careers programme is designed to meet the needs of all students within our school and will be measured against the Gatsby Benchmarks and links to the Career Development Institue (CDI) Framework. The careers programme is continuously being updated; with new provisions being implemented throughout the year. In addition to whole year group entitlements, we offer targeted programmes for selected students, helping create a meaningful programme that fully meets the needs of individual students. All students by the end of year 11 will have had a 1:1 detailed conversation with the careers advisor to best support the student with life after leaving Beckfoot Thornton. The CEIAG Coordinator plans a vigorous tutorial programme to support KS4 leaners in preparing for post-16 choices as well as other events that happen across the year with support from the enrichment lead. All staff at Beckfoot Thornton implement careers into their curriculum plans so students understand how what they are learning about can link to a career.
Careers resources
The National Labour Market information is becoming increasingly more important for students to understand as the world of work around us changes. Students should be aware of where different job roles are required around the countries, and what jobs may need more people in the future. Find out what careers are popular in Bradford and Leeds and match your skills to the perfect role for you.