Uniform and Equipment


We expect all students to be in full uniform every day and have all their equipment in their school bag so everyone is ready to learn.

Our uniform

  • Plain black leather or leatherette shoes with no visible logos, pattern or colours. No other footwear is permitted including suede shoes, boots, high heels or trainers
  • Plain black trousers with a button and zip fastening. they should be a loose or tailored fit that cover their legs entirely (no flesh should be visible) – they should not be elasticated or have any logos on them
  • A school tie which is tied to a length that is at least 6 stripes long
  • A plain white, collared shirt with a fastening top button and school blazer with the school logo on
  • An optional navy blue school jumper which is never to replace the blazer
  • Plain blue or black socks that cover the ankle
  • All students should have their year coloured badge worn on the blazer lapel
  • Religious headwear can be worn in navy blue or black


Outer coats: These should be a style suitable for school and must not be worn inside the school building. Outdoor clothing is not permitted to be worn inside the school building

Bags: Small bags are not to be used as a school bag. The bag should be a size that can transport a planner, PE kit, school books, equipment and knowledge organiser.

Students may wear one small set of studs in their ear lobes, all other jewellery must not be worn for health and safety reasons. Students must only have natural hair colours and extreme haircuts are not allowed. Makeup must be discreet with no false eyelashes, acrylic or gel nail varnish.

PE Uniform

Compulsory items for PE

  • Navy/sky blue hooped football socks or navy blue football socks
  • Navy blue shorts with the school logo or completely plain
  • Navy/sky blue t-shirt with the school logo
  • A hair bobble for all students with hair below their chin
  • Trainers for use indoors and on the Astroturf

Optional PE kit

  • PE jumper with the school logo
  • Blue leggings with the school logo or plain blue leggings
  • Jogging bottoms/tracksuit bottoms with the school logo or plain blue jogging bottoms
  • Waterproof jacket with the school logo
  • Dance shoes can be worn for dance and gymnastics
  • Moulded or studded boots for rugby

Uniform Voucher Policy – School Uniforms

Beckfoot Trust now provides financial assistance for funding uniform. Parents/carers should get in touch to check eligibility. To enable us to distribute vouchers, claimants will need to provide proof of identity and be registered as eligible according to the school policy. If either of these criteria are not met, the claim will have to be reviewed.

Second hand resale

We want all our young people to look smart and take pride in their appearance and school. However, we do understand that many families are feeling the effects of the cost of living crisis and that uniform in particular can be expensive. If any of our families are struggling to provide their child’s uniform, please contact the school so we can support you. If you have any uniform you could donate, please wash it and send into school. Email Mrs beavers for more information on [email protected].

Our uniform suppliers

Natasha Schoolwear: 01274 724676

Rawcliffes: 01274 730846

100% Equipment

Each day students must bring:

  • Planner – this needs to be with them every day and out on their desk in every lesson
  • A pencil case with blue/black pens, a red and green pen, pencils, ruler, protractor, and scientific calculator
  • PE kit (if required)
  • Food tech ingredients (if required)
  • Their lunch including a drink or money on ParentPay to use in the canteen